  • 35th Year in the Industry
  • Ostim Sanayi Sitesi 1202/1 Cadde No:12 ANKARA / TÜRKİYE


Ostim Sanayi Sitesi 1202/1 Cadde No:12 ANKARA / TÜRKİYE

Phone Numbers

+90 312 354 81 42

+90 541 794 31 17

E-mail Address

Our Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

ISO 14001:2015 To minimize the internal and external factors affecting the environmental pollution through the Environmental Management System, and within this framework;

To use resources effectively and rationally,

To apply recycling technology,

Working in accordance with legal conditions and legislation,

To organize environmental training and awareness activities inside and outside the company, to support such activities,

We are committed to providing continuous improvement.

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